RTD | On-Call Contract

RTD | On-Call Contract

RTD | On-Call Contract Gilmore is one of four general contractors selected to provide support services for RTD as the agency continues its aggressive construction and expansion of commuter and light-rail lines throughout metro Denver. Our work has included civil...
General Services Administration IDIQ

General Services Administration IDIQ

General Services Administration IDIQ Gilmore completed more than 250 jobs for the General Services Administration, ranging in value anywhere from a few thousand dollars to about $150,000. We provided primarily interior renovation and repairs of any facility on the...
NREL | NWTC Office Renovation

NREL | NWTC Office Renovation

NREL | NWTC Office Renovation The National Wind Technology Center (NWTC) is part of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Golden, Colo., campus. The center’s office area needed refreshing — but employees and operations in the 19,000-square-foot...