The Gilmore Approach to Safety

Safety is critically important to every construction environment, so we’ve developed a thorough and consistent approach to project safety that aims to protect people and property at all times.
We Plan Carefully
Gilmore Construction’s 260-page corporate safety plan meets industry standards and our specific requirements — which often exceed OSHA regulations. Because each project poses different safety challenges, we also develop site-specific safety plans.
We constantly communicate
We start and end each week with discussions about workplace safety. All on-site workers, including subcontractors and vendors, also are required to complete an orientation informing them about known site hazards and empowering them to take steps aimed at mitigating the impact of unforeseen hazards.
We continually monitor
Job-site hazards and safety concerns identified and not previously addressed in our site-specific safety plan require written Job Hazard Analysis planning. We complete these reports to ensure every work item has been planned and evaluated through the lens of safety. We open our operations to outside monitors. On-site safety audits are conducted internally or by third-party consultants each week.
We prepare for emergencies
All field supervisors are required to maintain OSHA’s 30-hour certificates and to be certified in CPR and First Aid response.