Our Projects

Cherry Creek Residential Renovation

Cherry Creek Residential Renovation

Chase Bank Reconstruction

Chase Bank Reconstruction

Welton Street Cafe Renovation

Welton Street Cafe Renovation

Design-Build Office Renovation

Design-Build Office Renovation

City of Boulder | Brenton Building Renovation

City of Boulder | Brenton Building Renovation

Historic Studebaker Lofts Renovation

Historic Studebaker Lofts Renovation

Colorado Lottery Experience Zone | Tenant Finish

Colorado Lottery Experience Zone | Tenant Finish

UCHealth | Stapleton Sleep Lab

UCHealth | Stapleton Sleep Lab

UCHealth | Cherry Creek Expansion and Renovation

UCHealth | Cherry Creek Expansion and Renovation

Regional Transit District (RTD) R Line Light Rail:  Florida Station | 2nd & Abilene

Regional Transit District (RTD) R Line Light Rail: Florida Station | 2nd & Abilene

UCHealth |  Carbon Valley Medical Facility

UCHealth | Carbon Valley Medical Facility

United Airlines, Concourse B OONE and RIDS Installation

United Airlines, Concourse B OONE and RIDS Installation

RTD-Denver Transit Partners | Commuter Train Wash Expansion

RTD-Denver Transit Partners | Commuter Train Wash Expansion

RTD | Wellness Center

RTD | Wellness Center

Denver Federal Center | Building 95, F&G Wing

Denver Federal Center | Building 95, F&G Wing

U.S. Air Force Academy | Cadet Gymnasium Renovation

U.S. Air Force Academy | Cadet Gymnasium Renovation

United Airlines | Concourse B Restack

United Airlines | Concourse B Restack

Ball Technology | Odor Mitigation

Ball Technology | Odor Mitigation

Kaiser Permanente | Satellite Pharmacy

Kaiser Permanente | Satellite Pharmacy

St. Stephen Church & Child Care

St. Stephen Church & Child Care

RTD | On-Call Contract

RTD | On-Call Contract

General Services Administration IDIQ

General Services Administration IDIQ

City and County of Denver, On-Call Construction Services

City and County of Denver, On-Call Construction Services

United Airlines Kitchen Consolidation (Phase 1)

United Airlines Kitchen Consolidation (Phase 1)

DIA Hotel, Doors, Frames and Hardware

DIA Hotel, Doors, Frames and Hardware

Denver International Airport Hotel Enabling Project

Denver International Airport Hotel Enabling Project

NREL | NWTC Office Renovation

NREL | NWTC Office Renovation

Denver Federal Center, Building 810, A&G Area

Denver Federal Center, Building 810, A&G Area

Kaiser Permanente Lakewood Office building

Kaiser Permanente Lakewood Office building

UCHealth | Hot Patient Waiting

UCHealth | Hot Patient Waiting

UCHealth | Medical Lab Remodel

UCHealth | Medical Lab Remodel

Denver Water Distribution Office Remodel

Denver Water Distribution Office Remodel

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